Top Employee Engagement Ideas For January

7 min read
Helen Rankin
Helen Rankin

Last updated: December 21, 2022

It’s the start of the New Year and you want to get employees engaged and ready for the year ahead! The beginning of January is the perfect time to reset with teams. We break down the top employee engagement ideas for January!

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How You Should Start Planning
Important Dates & Awarenesses For January
Engagement Ideas & Activities

How You Should Start Planning

We will break down the importance of employee engagement and give some tips on how to get you started for the year! First, you need to start with what your goals are for employee engagement. As many companies in 2022, they might experience layoffs, budget cuts, and hiring freezes, employee engagement is probably more important coming into the new year. You are going to want to retain the team you have and keep them happy. Let’s put an end to the Great Resignations and burned-out workforce. It’s time to make culture a priority. Select a metric you can actually measure, such as retention, burnout, or employee morale.

After you establish your goals for employee engagement it’s best to pick a theme for the year. What is the driving force you want everyone to rally around? For SwagUp, our 2023 motto is around Defying Gravity. We always pick space themes for our company. We create swag, awards, and events around that theme.

The employee engagement ideas we will show are meant to get you inspired. Engagement activities will work best when tied to our company’s mission and goals. It will feel more authentic and teams will be more engaged.

Important Dates & Awarenesses For January

Now, we can get to the good part. You have already established your goals and theme for the year. Let’s see how we can tie those to important events happening in January.

January DEI Dates & Awarenesses

  • January 1: New Year’s Day
  • January 4: National Braille Day
  • January 15: National Bagel Day
  • January 17: World Religion Day
  • January 18: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
  • January 20: Presidential Inauguration Day
  • January 27: International Holocaust Remembrance Day
  • January 28: Mahayana New Year
  • January 28: Data Privacy Day
  • January 31: National Hot Chocolate Day 

Awareness for the Month of January

  • National Mentoring Month
  • Poverty in America Awareness Month
  • Slavery and Human Trafficking Awareness Month

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Employee Engagement Ideas & Activities

Let’s dive into the top 3 really fun engagement activities you can do with your teams! Remote and in-person workforce activities are included! Included is how to really activate swag with these employee engagement activities.

Company 2023 Kick Off

Swag Pack Includes: Stanley Cup, Premium Hoodie, Confetti Popper, Rocketbook

Engagement Activity: The company’s first quarterly meeting of the year should be fun and engaging for employees. We such pairing this swag pack with your company kick-off. If you are remote you lose out on employees being around the office to absorb messaging. Swag is a great way to combat that. We such giving out the swag with the theme you picked for the year.

How To Engage Remote Workforce: If you are a remote workforce, you need to plan ahead! Send everyone their swag in advance. Announce to the team to hold off on opening until the day of the Company Kick Off. It makes for a really fun surprise to have everyone open their swag together over zoom.

How To Engage In Office Workforce: For the in-office, decorate the office with the new theme for the year. Leave the swag on their desk! It makes for a fun surprise coming into the office!

Employee Vision Board Activity For 2023

Swag Pack Includes: Custom Enamel Pins, Candy, Branded Corkboard, Business Book & Pens

Engagement Activity: Get everyone together to put their vision boards for the year! You can make these vision boards personal or work-related. It’s a fun way to get everyone thinking about their goals and bring everyone together toward a purpose for the year.

How To Engage Remote Workforce: This is a great activity to do together over zoom! During the activity host a trivia game for everyone to play! Or have everyone share their visions of the new year!

How To Engage In Office Workforce: For in-person employee engagement activity, block off an afternoon to bring people together! Maybe even order some snacks and drinks to make it fun and engaging. You can have employees hang their vision boards either on their desks. Or somewhere in the office where they can see their vision every day!

National Hot Chocolate Day

Swag Pack Includes: Dad Hat, Hot Coco, Custom Knit Socks

Engagement Activity: Who doesn’t love hot chocolate? We think it’s worth celebrating! Not every activity has to be with the company in mind. Some of it can be random and exciting! The point of engaging employees is showing them you care for them beyond work. Highlighting random activities like these help make

How To Engage Remote Workforce: Send some hot chocolate to your remote workforce and block time off their calendars to enjoy it. A lot of remote employees forget to take a break! Use this time to remind employees to enjoy some time offline with something sweet.

How To Engage In Office Workforce: Make a hot chocolate bar happy hour! Bring everyone together to share some hot chocolate and add some fun toppings! Most creative can get a prize.


There you have it! Top employee engagement ideas you can use for January! Check out the dates in January and come up with something fun and creative that reflects the company culture you want to have!

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