7 ways to give your team SwagUp superpowers

5 min read
Jake Wang
Jake Wang
Jr Marketing Manager

Published: February 12, 2020

#7 See it first

Take advantage of our free mockups to ensure the swag you want aligns with your vision. Mockups are available through the SwagUp pack builder and upon request. Simply select the items you want, send us your logo, and get your proofs in under 24 hours. You’ll be able to make adjustments as you like and get expert advice from our professional designers.

#6 Make repeat experiences easy

Consistency is key to building a great brand. Master your company’s swag experience by using the SwagUp dashboard to reorder in a few clicks. You won’t need to dig up old emails, track receipts, or anything else to get more of the good stuff.

Our catalog is constantly updated with the latest and most in-demand items, so you can take a great swag pack and add/replace items at any time with new ones. Yeah — it’s really that easy.

#5 Time it right

No matter how good the swag is, it’ll be hard to appreciate if it arrives too late. Avoid that situation by getting a head start with our Swag Experts

The second you start the process, you’ll be able to track everything about the status of your swag as it’s designed, ordered, and delivered. Notifications will alert you (and your team) to proofs awaiting review and other urgent actions required. 

Your SwagUp dashboard will also give you real-time inventory updates for unused swag, help you track multiple shipments in one place, and assist in reordering company favorites.

#4 Embrace company values

Swag isn’t just about a nice t-shirt — at the core, great swag is about expression. Take your swag to another level by focusing on products that reflect core company values and culture. 

For the travelers in your company consider the following: battery packs, bags, and on-the-go tumblers that’ll make their life easier. Do you have foodies in your office? Consider adding artisanal snacks and drinks. Lastly, don’t underestimate the power of a personalized handwritten insert card. Sometimes it’s the small things.

Check out the catalog for more unique gifts that honor the kind of team and customers you have.

#3 Pick the right Swag experience

From preset packs to bulk orders, knowing which is best for you will go a long way in reducing the time your team spends looking at options and making decisions.

Preset Packs

For the hustler – quickly launch your swag pack and get on with life. Our preset packs are specially crafted by our resident Swag Experts to help you get stuff done in style without wasting another second of your time.

They’re also a perfect starting point for building your own swag pack. If you’re wondering what you can do on your budget, check out our preset packs for inspiration.

Browse preset packs >


Get the full SwagUp experience with total control over your pack, down to the last detail. This is the classic SwagUp experience. Use our pack builder to select from a curated selection of high-quality swag.

View catalog >


If a Swag Pack doesn’t quite fit the bill, or you’re looking for something a little more handcrafted, get in touch with us. We handle all types of swag requests, including bulk orders! Plus, get discounts on large volume orders.

Bonus services:

  • Assembly (included)
  • QA check (included)
  • Storage and worldwide shipping

#2 Set up a company swag shop

Give employees and your most valuable customers a simple way to shop for swag and redeem rewards. From design to curating a unique selection of items for your company swag catalog, a swag shop is a powerful way to rep company pride. 

Choose from popular categories like apparel and tech items to premium and values-inspired categories like duffel bags and sustainable/eco-friendly products. Contact us to get started.

#1 Get your team a swag management dashboard

Imagine knowing exactly where your swag is, how much you have left, and the status of every swag project you’re working on. Now imagine every member of your team is on the same page too. Sounds good, right?

That’s what you get with the SwagUp dashboard. The boring stuff happens while you get work done — and you can manage it all through one dashboard instead of twenty tabs. 


  • Long days searching for swag
  • Losing track of inventory
  • Overflowing closets with unwanted swag
  • Bribing coworkers to put together swag

Schedule a demo with us to learn how you can source, design, pack, store, ship and more all in one place.

Bonus — Get a sample pack

Get a sense of what it’s like to unbox one of our fully custom swag packs. Request your sample pack and we’ll have it to your office the next day, totally free (international customers cover shipping).

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